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Choose the best rates that fit right
It seems costs are on the rise everywhere you look. We'd like to invite new users to try our Consumer Rate Quote Tool. You may be pleasantly surprised by the savings we put in place for every customer..
5 Minutes Policy Quotes
Say no to spending hours and days searching the web or sitting in queues trying to find the best insurance. The entire process, from selecting the best insurance policy to getting a guaranteed rate quote takes just 5 minutes. Click here for the Rate quote tool, fill in your details and get premium quotes from our top-rated insurers instantly.
Matching Every Policy Holder
We've saved our clients over $176,000 in 2020. Oberg Insurance has found coverage for most drivers, including those with less than pristine records . Placing every driver is an Independent Agents super power. We go to bat for our clients at every turn. When you have coverage questions, we have the answers.
Dedicated Support Team
Our support team is available anytime. Feel free to reach out to our dedicated insurance professionals to add drivers, make a claim or change billing schedules. When you’re ready to purchase a new policy or have questions about rate increases, please call, message or email us. Our team of experts is at your service.

A friend recommended Oberg Insurance to me 10 years ago and I haven’t gone anywhere else since. Professional and friendly, they are always quick to respond. They always provide me with the best rates.